Are you struggling to find…




Finally… How to be happy and free at last!

Which means you avoid! living in the fast lane. Not taking enough time off and feeling frustrated by the silly things that annoy you. Let me ease you mind … by introducing you to Satsang. So, you feel more secure than ever.

Click the button below to watch the video

Are you an Ernest seeker who is tired and exhausted searching for a better way to enjoy living

And… did you know that over 70% of well intended soul entrepreneur’s weeks are spent trying to find comfort.

Comfort such as drinking or smoking. But this feeling is only fleeting… And you’re either in physical discomfort or feel like running away and curling up.

Let introduce you to another way that’s more rewarding. Satsang.

If you want to experience this for your self, please click the button below this video to learn more about our live sessions where we dive deeper in Satsang.

Join one of my Virtual Events


Avoid getting upset over the silliest of things. Creating endless drama to release frustration. So, you no longer have the niggling worry of what’s going to go wrong next?!


Learn to break the habit of rushing around with a full plate and feeling drained. So that you avoid unease, relax, slow down and go with the flow.

5 Day Online Retreat

Unblock your stuck energy and stop resisting going with the flow so that instead of life happening to you, your dream existence is happening through you.

About your guide…

“Relaxation Expert and Barbadian Spiritual Teacher”, Author, Immigrated to Canada from Barbados aged 20 where he was raised by his grandma and the village.

After graduating from Ryerson University he began his career in sales, always hustling, worked day and night to outperform his peers and subsequently lost everything with Divorce and bankruptcy In the same week!

His bankruptcy, set him on a quest to find clarity and see problems through new eyes.

One day he heard a voice telling him to teach what he’d learnt.

He followed this guidance and has since helped countless people with getting off the hustle hamster wheel and be in their flow state, at peace and free of worry.

Are you ready to stop struggling with wanting to feel complete and know you are?

Think about this…

You want to feel comfortable most of the time – yes?
For example, many people drink, smoke or even binge-eat.
But this ease is only fleeting isn’t it?
And it leaves you with the feeling of wanting more.

It’s because of this feeling that I wrote my book – ‘Draw Back the Veil’.

If you want to live free from fear, impatience and anxiety – this is for you!

I am going to show you how to avoid the 7 big mistakes most well intended soul entrepreneurs unwittingly make.

Causing them to never admit what is honestly happening.

This book is created specifically for you:

• So, you can … take a self-aware breath and loosen up.
• So, you can … return to your Self and be free
• So, you can … stop resisting and let go.
• So, you can … understand why you’re not happy each time.
• So, you can … have no judgements 90% of the day.

Click the ‘Download’ button now to receive your free copy

Cecil TV

Cecil has been seen on CBC, NBC, ABC, and FOX. He has shared the stage with Deepak Chopra, spoke with world-renowned motivational speaker Les Brown about pure Relaxation and worked with over 2,000 heart stroke and cancer patients in hospital teaching them about relaxation and health by the bedside.

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